
Lightpaper review
Lightpaper review

How does your solution work, and what’s nifty about it this section should give the reader an idea of how big the market is and how much bigger it can get.Ĭoncrete numbers - because hints are just not enough. This is where you explain succinctly how you intend to solve the problem you just stated. This section should be able to communicate the problem through situations somehow relatable to the reader this can be achieved by citing examples of situations that occur in daily life and should give a hint about how big the market is.

lightpaper review

The litepaper should clearly and concisely outline the problem or problems that the project intends to address. It’s like a very well-crafted elevator pitch, the objective of which is to entice the reader to move through the next parts of the document and hopefully to your token sale (if you’re launching one). The introduction is a few sentences summarizing what you do, worded as simply as possible.


It’s usually only a few pages long a litepaper doesn’t have as many details as the full white paper, but it should have enough information to get someone interested - and fast. Apart from this, some just don’t have the time to read an entire technical paper.Įnter the litepaper a lighter version of the white paper. Unsurprisingly, in an industry where traders hawk-eye values so that they can switch between cryptocurrencies for profit, a document of sixty or so pages will go unread. The problem is, white papers are usually several pages long. However, while white papers are an absolute necessity for those launching an ICO or blockchain project, the nature of white papers clash with how attention works in the digital age. In the cryptocurrency world, white papers are the bible for every project this is where interested parties can find out specific details about the company. Investors have to scour through a lot of projects on a daily basis - all of them promising to be the next big thing. The ICO space is an even more cut-throat battleground for attention.

lightpaper review

Visual stimuli flood newsfeeds and timelines, each one competing for space. The internet is a place where everything has to be quick.

Lightpaper review